(2010/ENG/XBOX360) Dead to Rights: Retribution Dead to Rights: Retribution (2010/ENG/XBOX360) | 6.81 Gb
Dead to Rights: Retribution will tell players about the history of the formation of a ruthless cop Jack Slate and his meeting with his dog Shadow, a couple with whom they will bring to justice the criminal world Grant City. The hybrid combat system, which come together in a bunch of fights, savory kicks and thoughtless firing on all moving, is attached.
Publication Type: license
Region: Region Free
Firmware: iXtreme: 6-th wave
File format: .Rar
Platform: XBOX360
Genres: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person
Language: English (ENG)
Year: 2010
Developer: Volatile Games
Publisher: Capcom Entertainment
Size: 6.81 GB
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