Pc Game Battlestrike - Force of Resistance Battlestrike - Force of Resistance Pc Game Full Download
World War II shooters are about as rare as sunny days in Arizona. So to really succeed in the genre, a game must either be innovative, particularly engrossing, or a little of both. City Interactive's Battlestrike: Force of Resistance is none of the above. It doesn't compel you to run back to the computer to play it, it doesn't offer anything that makes you say, "Hey, I haven't seen that before," and in fact it's so short that veteran players will finish it in a single afternoon. Nevertheless, there's something about it that isn't entirely unlikeable.
Perhaps it's the variety. Unlike many budget-priced wartime shooters, Battlestrike doesn't feel repetitive. It doesn't plunk you down into the same situation over and over again, and it certainly isn't one big, never-ending firefight on a nameless battlefield somewhere. Instead, it asks you to take on the role of one John Forsyth, a British-trained commando operating behind enemy lines and leading the resistance movement as it tries, ever so slightly, to derail the Nazi war machine.
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